The Story of AHN BH

Birth Search

My interest is dedicating more time to learning about my culture as well as spreading news of my search. As I reflect on how much time has passed, my sense of urgency to find birth relatives has increased.

My Story Begins

AHN Bong Hee, a name given to me when I arrived at the Star of the Sea Children’s Home in Incheon S. Korea. I recently discovered my English name while at the orphanage was Serena. If my adoption paperwork is accurate, I spent some time with my birth Mom (and maybe Dad) being cared for and loved. Something tragic or a very difficult situation occurred which led a local female civil officer to leave me at the orphanage.

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What the Orphanage Says

I’m being told I was abandoned at 29th Songrim 2-dong. Dong-gu. lncheon at a bus station, dated October 1962 and my family register states Kyonggi-do lncheon Dab-dong 3. For the next few years I was cared for by Sister Lee Il Ma. I knew no English only Korean when I was adopted and taken away Dec 1965. According to the permission of Inchon Branch of Seoul Civil & Criminal District Court on November 1965, the family name established as Ahn and ancestral place as Kwang Joo on the same date. Adoption completed December 1965.

The Challenges

For the next 15 years, I lived in remote Arkansas; raised by retired American military couple and a sister adopted from Japan (same age; mixed Japan/Sweden—she barely looked Asian and was fortunate to meet your birth Mother in Japan about 10+ years ago).

But I still felt something missing. I was so busy taking care of my family and work after college, I put behind me any idea of searching for my birth parents as I felt it would be impossible with so little to go on. Also I was always told by my adopting parents that my birth parents died and no other families exist. I'm sure they didn't want me to attempt any search on my own. I don't recall my adoption experience a happy one; meeting basics needs was what I received. Beyond that, no attempt to allow me to learn about my heritage nor encourage traveling to Korea. When I lost my baby cuteness and novelty among their friends, their treatment of me changed and not for the better. Even though my parents had two older natural sons which they supported through their college years, I and my adopted sister were not offered to have our college paid. Financial support stopped when I graduated from high school. I had to work full time to pay college which luckily I was able to complete with help from my husband in four years.

Since both adoptive parents have passed away, I was estranged from over 20+ years from them prior to their passing a few years ago as a result of poor relationship.  A long story for another time.

Story Continues

For the past 10+ years my curiosity has become stronger to find whether my birth parents still survive or if I have any relatives. I want my children to discover with me if they have any grandparents and/or relatives. I’ve questioned when/where the scars on my back came from. I’ve wondered about my past medical history. I’ve started down this path now and not turning back; whatever the outcome. I’ve visited Korea twice, first time 2006 with the whole family just for vacation & recently in 2015 to specifically seek information from the orphanage and provide DNA to the local Incheon police department. I took another DNA test in May 2016 through FamilyTree DNA which is working with a program in Korea to provide free DNA tests to Halmonies. Through DNA testing I have 4th and 5th very remote cousins; so there is a small spark of hope I have closer relatives somewhere.

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I have so many obstacles to overcome. First, because my adoption did not go through the most well-known adoption agencies such as Holt and ESWS, I don’t have a case number. Secondly, I emigrated to the US under the custody of the Catholic Committee for Refugees, National Catholic Welfare Conference (hereinafter referred to as the Catholic Committee for Refugees). This organization does not exist. I’ve tried to contact the local Catholic agencies, but they are unable to determine where I should seek more information. And thirdly, age is against me. I feel I’m running out of time to find any close relatives in Korea.

My last option is seeking help through the local Korean newspapers that promote finding birth parents of Korean adoptees. Not sure how to contact other local Korean media to spread my story since I don’t know the language well. I’m am currently trying to learn the Korean language.

Any support and advice you may offer will be greatly appreciated. I will always be understanding to whatever the reason or circumstance that led me away from my birth place. I wish to return to my birth place for peace of mind and heart.

Ahn BH

aka Alana H

What the future holds

The future is unknown; however, perseverance and patience is what I'm armed with.

I'll continue my search through all available options. I'll continue to reach out through social media. I'll participate in trips to Korea within my financial capabilities. And hopefully reach my goal in finding close birth relatives.

If I have the opportunity to meet my birth parents, this would be my letter to them.

DNA Submitted

Incheon Police Dept
Ancestry DNA
FamilyTree DNA

Registered with



Korean Adoptee Services
(KAS - Hangul)

Star of the Sea

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